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Hazel Hutchison

Areas of expertise
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
School of English

How have you have supported others to develop their practice?

In my current role as Head of the School of English I support all teaching staff in the School as we revise our degree programmes, develop new content, and diversify our modes of assessment to enhance the student experience and graduate outcomes. In a previous role at another University, I supported School leadership teams in reviewing existing programmes and in designing and promoting new programmes. I also developed materials to support academic skills training across disciplines, and have published trade books for students on this theme.

What are your current student education interests/new developments?

I am interested in using data, including market trends and and student feedback, to inform programme design and development. I am also interested in the impact of diversifying assessment methods in the humanities to enhance students' awareness of their own skills, especially in the areas of communication and expression.