Academic personal tutoring
Welcome to academic personal tutoring
This page provides links to key information and resources that will support you in your role as an academic personal tutor (APT).
The aim of academic personal tutoring at Leeds is to improve the university experience of our students and is part of LeedsforLife.
LeedsforLife is the university’s commitment to helping students make the most of their time at Leeds; empowering them to prepare for their future and enabling them to be successful in a way that is meaningful to them.
Academic personal tutoring is at the heart of this commitment; drawing on a range of digital systems, including PebblePad and StREAM@Leeds, it aims to support students as they work towards their academic and personal goals, as well as creating a sense of belonging during their time at Leeds and beyond.
As an APT these are the systems you will use:
- PebblePad is being used to facilitate and record tutorials and enables tutors to view their tutees' LeedsforLife workbooks.
- StREAM@Leeds is the University's learning analytics system.
- MS Bookings- Book with Me can be used to create and manage meetings with students.
Resources for academic personal tutors
Explore the sections below for more information and guidance to support you in your role as an APT including how to use and access the tools.
Development opportunities for APTs
User guides for LeedsforLife systems
APT Virtual Noticeboard
More information
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact us at: