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Teaching and Scholarship Culture Cafés

An opportunity for you to share experiences of our current teaching and scholarship culture. 

OD&PL are hosting a series of café-style conversations as part of our ongoing work to create and promote a fully supportive institutional culture that rewards and recognises good practice in education. By getting involved you can contribute to a discussion on the challenges you face, what we are already doing well and could share more widely, and what a better culture would look like. The cafés form part of an ongoing project to review career pathways and promote a positive teaching and scholarship culture. The discussions will help to propose solutions for how the institution could change. Collaboration and community are key to a vibrant, healthy culture so come along and take part.  Have your say.  

How the Culture Cafés work 

The cafés are run as small group discussions with a facilitator to help guide and direct the conversation.  There may be some questions used to help get the group started.  Groups will contain a mix of up to 10 people.  The facilitator will make notes, but these will be anonymised.  At the end of each Café, the challenges, examples of best practice and ideas for change will be shared with all participants. The notes collected will be summarised in reports and recommendations to inform institutional decision-making.  

Get involved 

Café conversations will be run regularly in spring and summer 2024. You are welcome to participate in as many as you wish.  

Upcoming Cafés 

Tuesday 19 March, 10am-11am  - Book now

Thursday 18 April, 2-3pm  - Book now

Wednesday 22 May, 11am-12pm  - Book now

Tuesday 11 June, 11am to 12pm  - Book now

Wednesday 17 July, 2-3pm - Book now


If you would like to know more about our project on reward and recognition and institutional culture, please get in touch with Dr Aline Gaus,