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Maria Hussain

Areas of expertise
Faculty of Business
Leeds University Business School

How have you have supported others to develop their practice?

I have been a LITE Mentor (2020-21) for TF in LCS and an AFHEA Mentor to 2 international PhD students (2021).

Most recently, I have a written academic TIPS blog on dynamic critical writing reflective assessment for LITE and also a SAAW for LITE in conjunction with the LUU and colleagues from the LC on ’Intercultural awareness in pedagogy and Student Success.' I have also set up a SIG 'Supporting International Students' at UKAT.

What are your current student education interests/new developments?

Embedding 'Internationalisation at home' activity across the faculty through co/curricular approaches. I am currently leading a co-constructed student-podcast series 'Cultural Insight Wednesday' in facilitating greater student-community building through informal intercultural dialogue. I am also the Academic Lead for Study Abroad and I am currently developing a tool kit for APT's on facilitating a smooth transition for returning students. Furthermore, I am also very interested in exploring the potential of transnational education, with a particular interest in COIL based module design in providing greater equitable access to internationalised curricular opportunity for all.