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Samantha Stark

Areas of expertise
Digital Education Service
Online Learning

How have you have supported others to develop their practice?

I have supported teachers new to teaching English for Academic Purposes to adjust their practice to focus more on critical engagement and constructive alignment, and I currently convene the BALEAP Law SIG which supports English for Academic Legal Purposes (EALP) practitioners to develop their teaching practice. I also support colleagues within the Digital Education Service to develop their course design and development skills for both short courses and master's degree modules.

What are your current student education interests/new developments?

  • I am interested in task-based and game-based learning and how these pedagogical approaches can help learners to put theory into practice.
  • I am currently a LITE Fellow (until September 2023), for which I am researching the impact of a new pedagogical framework for online learning that is inspired by task-based learning theory.
  • I am also interested in approaches to teaching language for law as a result of my legal background, and how law can be brought to life by designing practical courses and learning activities.