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TIPS Engagement Week #2


From 15 - 19 February 2021, the TIPS Community is celebrating its second Engagement Week with a series of events and activities around the hot topic of breakout rooms. 

What tips and tricks are there to keep learners engaged and the experience positive for everyone in breakout room activities?

Throughout this week, there will be several opportunities to learn and share new practice. There is a special focus on exploring learners' experience of breakout spaces and activities will offer pedagogical advice and opportunities to enhance your practice. 

1) TIPS Engagement Week #2 Padlet 

Every day during Engagement Week, a new seed question is posted in this Padlet and we ask colleagues to add their stories, top tips and ideas. Come and see this resource grow! And if you would like to explore our last Engagement Week #1 Padlet, you can find it here 

2) Share, Adopt, Adapt Workshop: How can we make your breakout rooms more successful?

On 17 February from 2-3pm, our speakers will share some practical examples for maximising interaction and engagement in online breakout rooms. They will share ideas on how to relieve student anxiety, frame the space and situate activities within the wider learning journey. This time, we will hear from Alexandra Holloway (Language Centre), Mark Thomas (Earth and Environment), as well as Ellen Avery, Catherine Bates and Richard de Blacquiere-Clarkson from the Lifelong Learning Centre.  This event is co-hosted by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE) and TIPS. Register here for the event. 

3) Give-it-a-go! sessions  

This is a new format of supportive sessions on offer through TIPS. A Give-it-a-go! session can be run by any TIPS member who would like to share their knowledge of a tool with others. In a session, participants can try out something new and learn collaboratively with peers in a relaxed environment. Join our MS Teams space now to take part in these sessions:

Join the TIPS Community now


Thank you all in advance for another great week of collaborative learning! 

The TIPS team 

Find out more about this community of practice, our events and activities on Teaching, Innovation and Practice in Student Education (TIPS) here.