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The TIPS Blog is a collection of short articles written by colleagues, sharing examples of their teaching practice. Each article outlines a teaching intervention, explains the design rationale, evaluates impact and suggests how these could be used and adapted by others.

Anyone involved in teaching at the University can share their examples of practice, click below to learn how to submit an article to the TIPS Blog.

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Post Categories: Student Experience | Tools for Teaching | Developing Others | Design for Delivery

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Results 21 to 30 of 54

Using Kahoot to assess and evaluate teaching interventions


Kahoot and other quizzing software are powerful tools for assessment as they provide instant feedback, gameification, and the MCQ (multiple choice questions) and free typing questions can be modified to assess higher-order skills, as well as knowledge recall. In addition, the anonymity of these tools can allow evaluation of your teaching intervention. What did you...

Co-Creating Marking Schemes and Developing Assessment Literacy


In this article I reflect on my experience of co-creating marking criteria for summative group presentations with Year 0 students in a fully online [20/21] and flipped [21/22] learning environment. The process has been refined over these two academic years giving increasing control for the student. Students developed the matrix and then practiced their application...

Supporting student learning through synchronous and asynchronous tools


In this article, I suggest supporting students through a variety of digital technologies to help achieve the main learning outcome of the module: application of key enterprise processes to the development of a new enterprise proposal.  To achieve this learning outcome, students were asked to generate a business idea that they could develop into a new enterprise proposal for...

A Module Fully Integrated into TopHat: Active, Engaging, and Versatile


This is an example of how to integrate a module fully into a hybrid or online setting using TopHat. Using TopHat, combined with Blackboard and MyMediasite, emphasised active learning and constant student engagement. During the semester, students watched over 200 days of videos and submitted over 100,000 answers to questions.  What did you do? Why did you do...

Self-paced learning materials rapid review tool


Due to Covid19 we have all used many more online, self-paced, learning materials over the past year. How do we ensure that the materials we use are relevant, accessible, and add value for students, and are not simply an overload of YouTube videos and similar materials?  The Rapid Review Tool gives a framework for academics to conduct rapid...

Generating constructive peer feedback in breakout rooms


This article suggests a method for improving student engagement and criticality through generating paired peer feedback in breakout rooms.  What did you do? Why did you do it?    This activity made use of Flipgrid, a video recording software which is an office 365 app and available as an optional tab on Teams.  Prior to the live...

Pre-recorded audiovisual resources with external guests


This video is about how to create pre-recorded audiovisual resources (podcasts and videos) for teaching.  I will explain the process for a recent guest podcast I created, and give some advice on how to manage the process, which will be widely applicable.  View the video in MSstream here. What did you do? Why did you...

Using Podcasts with 'Real World' Leaders to Teach Leadership Ethics


This example discusses how I incorporated podcasts, featuring leaders from the business world, to provide real-world examples of the application of the theoretical topics discussed in the module.   What did you do? Why did you do it?    I recorded a series of 40-minute podcasts featuring leaders from business and other professional sectors as part of...

Structured reflective assessment on group work


I lead a large (130+ students) module which involves students working in groups of 4-5 in an online business simulation. One component of the assessment is a 30% individual reflection on the process (not outcomes) of working in a group.  This resource describes the approach to structuring the reflection and how it was assessed.  What...

“Yes, and…”: encouraging interaction & engagement in collaborative spaces


This blog article shows you how to facilitate engaging and equitable group work by naming and explaining some principles, or ‘moves’ from spontaneous improvisation. These mechanise and demystify the experience of exploratory talk, giving everyone the same conversational tools regardless of perceived shyness or other such challenges.    What did you do? Why did you do it?  ...