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Student education support

Student Education support at the UoL

It is important to identify the individuals, teams and departments who can offer you help and advice in your student education role.​

This is a quick (but not exhaustive) guide to who can support you and briefly what they do. Some sections have links to more information on the roles where this exists. The Student Education Leadership role descriptors does list role descriptors for some of these roles.

Leadership roles

There are a number of key leadership roles directly related to Student Education.

Pro-Dean for Student Education

Pro-Deans for Student Education (SE) have a dual University and Faculty role and are directly responsible to the University, through the PVC for SE, for the quality assurance, standards and quality enhancement of their Faculty's learning and teaching provision. ​

Director of Student Education

Director of SE reports to the Head of School and has a dual Faculty and School role. They are directly responsible to the Faculty, through the Pro-Dean for SE, for the quality assurance, standards and quality enhancement of the School's learning and teaching provision.

Programme lead

Programme leaders are responsible for the development, organisation and management of a named programme and for the academic experience of the students on the programme.​

Module lead

Module leaders are appointed to develop, organise and manage the module(s) for which they are responsible.​

Academic integrity lead/officer

Each school (or faculty) appoints an academic integrity officer to ensure procedures around plagiarism education, procedures and investigation are consistent.

Academic personal tutor lead

Academic personal tutor lead co-ordinate and promote effective personal tutoring of students within their school.

School Academic Leads for Inclusive Pedagogies (SALIPs)

SALIPs help to promote and embed inclusive approaches. They will do this by helping you understand what this means for you, in your own disciplinary context.

Digital education

Digital Education Academic Leads (DEALs) support colleagues within faculties with specific digital learning projects and initiatives along with Learning Technologist(s)- who work with academic and professional staff to develop and enhance e-learning.

Access and Student Success

Academic Leads working across the University to deliver the Access and Student Success Strategy by the implementation of change and enhancement of practice to maximise student success. These include Student Success, Belonging and Decolonising leads.

Assessment lead

Working closely with the School’s Director of Student Education, they are responsible for the leadership, development and management of the assessment policy and practices within the School and in promoting an inclusive approach to student education.

Teams and Departments

There are many teams and departments who can offer you help and advice in different areas of your student education role

Student education service

SES works in close partnership with academic colleagues, offering operational support for key aspects of the student experience. Each faculty has an education service manager (FESM) who oversees a team of functional managers in areas such as assessment and student support (more details can be found on the SES page under About The Student Education Service).

Student education development

The Student Education development team offers support to develop your teaching and learning practice at all stages of your teaching career.


Engaging in networks and sharing experiences and practice is a vital part of your teaching development. There are several networks who can provide peer support in areas of teaching practice.


Mentoring is a supportive learning relationship between one individual who shares their knowledge, wisdom, work and life experiences (the mentor) with another who is willing to learn and act upon this exchange (the mentee) and is open to all staff.

Student Staff partnership forum

The University takes a partnership approach to teaching and these are formal channels of communication where students and staff work together to enhance the academic experience at Leeds.

Student support

The University has a wide range of sources of support for students and a set of established policies to help guide you in the provision of support to students.

Student academic skills

Skills@Library offer services and resources designed to help you develop your students’ academic skills.

Leeds sustainable curriculum

The Sustainability Service offers tools and guidance to any member of staff or student who wants to integrate sustainability into their programmes, modules and research projects.

Student Success Team

The student success project team work across all disciplines and services to support and implement change enhancing student success.